
Welcome to the Leathley Village Hall (Leathley Parish Rooms) website!


Domino Drives 

Next one!   Feb 14th at 7pm     £5 entry.





Great news! The Parish Rooms now have Superfast Fibre to Property broadband. The T & C’s are shown below and can be viewed in full screen or downloaded :-


We are now on Facebook! – follow this link –>


Hall for All

Leathley Parish Rooms exist primarily for the benefit of the residents of the local parishes but are also available for hire to the general public – see Hiring.

The facilities, which include a stage and a well-equipped kitchen and recently refurbished toilet extension, make it an excellent venue for meals,  receptions, meetings, dances and wedding parties, plays and concerts and cycling promotions!

About Us

Established in 1922 as the Leathley Parish Room, Leathley’s village hall is located on the opposite side of the road to the Church, in picturesque surroundings on the edge of the village green.

LVH small

The charming stone building houses a main room with a small stage area. The rooms’ facilities also include kitchen and lavatories, which adjoin the main room, and can be accessed from the main room. Steps at the rear of the building lead down from a corridor to a grass garden area enclosed by stone walls.

Regular Events

The rooms are used for a wide range of events, perhaps the best-known of which are the fund-raising Teas On The Green that take place to raise funds for the Church and Women’s Institute, together with occasional  ‘Friday Suppers’ to raise money for the Parish Room.

Farnley Estates WI, the Young Farmers, the Parochial Church Council and Lower Washburn Parish Council also convene regularly throughout the year.



The committee for Leathley Parish Rooms meets once every two months. 

To contact anybody on the committee please click the Contact Us option on the Left Hand menu at the top of this page. 

  • Chairperson – Paul Howarth
  • Secretary – Anne Wood
  • Treasurer – David Portlock

Committee Members

  • Ann Buxton
  • John Buxton
  • Jackie Goodwin
  • Diane Hanline
  • Anne Robinson

Website Administrator

  • Alistair Wood

Welcome to our parish room and its amenities. The main options are located at the top of this page, but further useful ones appear below.